Lagoon Aeration Effective Solution for Harmful Algal Blooms

Across the world, many of our lakes are in troubled waters. Various health departments have classified many of our waterways as impaired. The source of this impairment is cyanobacteria. Within this blue-green bacteria exists a harmful toxin that causes odors and unpleasant tastes in our drinking water, disrupts our recreation, and even spoils our food.

The air vacuoles inside the bacteria make it buoyant at any depth and often hard to detect. In fact, a lake could have a severe algal bloom, and it might not be noticeable from the surface. The bacteria thrive at temperatures greater than 25 degrees Celsius, making the risk of algal blooms more frequent during the summer months.

At night, these organisms utilize much needed dissolved oxygen in the water column for growth and can cause fish-kill. Most recently, Lake Erie incurred a severe algal bloom costing an additional $65 million in lost economic benefits. With increased concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in our local waterways from agriculture and overall higher temperatures, it seems as if the solution to healthier lakes would be costly and unlikely. Fortunately, ADS offers a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution.


For more than 60 years, ADS has been treating lakes and reservoirs naturally by providing bottom “oxygen.”

After discovering the benefits of using subsurface fine bubble aeration, J. Nelson Hinde of Hinde Engineering was one of the pioneers of aeration treatment. He engineered a process to improve wastewater treatment by restoring bottom oxygen levels capable of supporting aerobic organisms to convert unwanted wastes.

ADS fine bubble aeration is designed to provide optimal oxygenation and mixing without creating turbulence or re-suspending bottom sludge and sediment. It promotes the settling of solids and wastes to the bottom of the water column where they are internally stored and digested.

The system is designed for ease of maintenance, as the fine bubble diffusers can be easily accessed and serviced. The aerated lagoon systems are designed for a 20-year service life when properly maintained.


The aeration system provides homogenized temperatures and dissolved oxygen levels throughout the water column. The colder bottom water will be mixed with the warmer surface water to reduce the overall water temperature, minimizing the likelihood of the algal bloom from occurring.

lagoon after aeration
Lagoon after aeration treatment

Additionally, providing bottom oxygen to the water column will ensure that fish kill does not occur from low dissolved oxygen levels. Finally, the mixing aspect of the system reduces the ability for cyanobacteria to remain stagnant and thrive.  Under the conditions of an ADS aeration system, cyanobacteria will not be a problem for recreation or drinking water.

We are confident that you will find ADS to be the most efficient, effective, and sustainable option available.  

We provide all engineering and designs with zero obligation.  Please contact our office if you feel that your lake or pond can benefit from an ADS Aeration System.